2ememain.be is the French version of 2ehands.be. Nowadays, many new products are also sold through 2ememain.be and more and more from the higher segment (brand products, etc.).
2ememain.be focuses on the French-speaking part of Belgium.
With this link you can quickly and easily advertise your webshop products on Marktplaats.nl! Experience the effect of a large number of advertisements on Marktplaats.nl!
We prepare clean ads for your webshop articles on a daily basis. All you have to do is select the groups/articles/click costs you want and your ads will go directly online on 2ememain.be! Multiple times a day, the integration keeps ads up-to-date, based on your webshop articles & settings.
Manually creating and managing advertisements for webshop products is time-consuming and difficult to manage. For this we have developed this webshop link in collaboration with 2ememain.be. We ensure that you can make neat advertisements from your webshop products quickly & easily (possibly automatically). You can easily manage settings yourself via the internet and no ICT knowledge is required. Phone support is included.
ESS can realize the webshop integration for you, without you having to worry about it. ESS looks at what relevant product data is available, initially prepares a high-quality setup, based on experience, and portal for optimization settings.
As long as stocks last: If you create a new Pro account and use a discount code provided by us, you will receive €100,- credit for free clicks!
It is important that feeds contain correct and current article information, according to the requirements and wishes of the relevant comparison site for an optimal result. Good data feeds require automatic filtering of formatting from texts, extracting important information and passing it on separately, such as brand names, EAN codes, sizes and colors and sometimes converting article groups and color codes.
ESS analyzes your webshop and has specialized systems. We have the know-how to ensure an optimized data feed based on the article data that is available. We also monitor the daily data collection and conversions to detect problems without you noticing.
We have direct API controls or modules for various webshop types. In case of a different webshop type or custom webshop, our Crawlers can optionally offer a solution, to collect your article data from your webshop pages & possibly combine it with source feeds.
Data feeds are our specialty & core business: we are able to deliver most data feeds within 1 working day, so you can quickly start a new campaign!